2sight substack is an auto-initiated cahier founded in 2022, focusing on trends, foresight and cultural intelligence.

For more information visit: 2sight.online
Or email us at: contact@2sight.online

To an attempt to contemplate the concrete in the abstract.

2sight is an independent foresight office. Co-founded by the complementary duo Adrien Cadiot and Elodie Marteau in 2021, 2sight began as a research project and is now a Paris-based consultancy company gathering global talents.

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2sight substack is an auto-initiated cahier focusing on trends, foresight and cultural intelligence. A space for creative research, meaningful scepticism, and uplifting learning, where chaos gets enlightened and future trends are demystified.


2sight is an independent foresight office based in Paris. We forecast future trends, decipher consumer intelligence and craft foresight strategies.